Blue Ridge Water Improvement District (BRWID) UPDATE

The formation of a district is now on the docket for the Coconino County Board of Supervisors to vote on Monday, June 29 at 6:00 pm.

All are invited to participate in the meeting virtually via Zoom.

  • URL:  https:/
  • Telephone:  (888) 788-0099, Webinar ID:  920 2882 5972
  • Boundary maps and petitions can be found at:

Please use the contact info below to voice your support (or opposition) to the formation of a Water District.

If the Coconino County Board of Supervisors vote to form a district, the BRWID Board will be formed, and regular Board meetings will commence for the community at large.

Next steps would include:

  • Negotiations commence with Starlight Water Company.
  • Secure financing and potential grants for purchase.
  • Setting up the Water District, which would include among other things:  forming the new name, billing process, rates, structure, maintenance, water quality inspections, etc.

Please contact the Coconino County Board of Supervisors with your support for  the creation of a Blue Ridge Water Improvement District before JUNE 29:

Blue Ridge is in Coconino County District 4. Jim Parks is our Supervisor.
Email him at:
Call him at: 928-679-7154
Email his Assistant Leland Jones:

All Supervisors will vote, so please contact them all using the links below.

District 1:
Art Babbott
Phone: 928-679-7151
Michele Ralston, Executive Assistant

District 2:
Liz Archuleta, Chair
Phone: 928-679-7162

Theresa M. Muñoz, Executive Assistant

District 3:
Matt Ryan
Phone: 928-679-7163

Gregory Nelson, Executive Assistant

District 5:
Lena Fowler, Vice Chair
Flagstaff Office Phone: 928-679-7751 | Tuba City Office Phone: 928-283-4518

Miranda Morales, Executive Assistant

Deborahe Lister, Community Outreach Coordinator

If you have any questions, contact Steering Committee Members using the information below.

John Ritter: 480-339-9176
Sue Davis: 480-585-4660